19 April 2024, Friday

Today's name day(s): Gerry. Tomorrow will be name day(s).

Authors   Click to listen highlighted text! Authors Powered By GSpeech

If you, as the author of your work/book/publication, do not have a publishing background and do not yet have a contract with The Big eBook Program Office (in Hungarian: A Nagy e-Könyv Programiroda), please download the necessary documents (the usage contract and its annex), and send them in 2 copies, signed to A Nagy e-Könyv Programiroda Kft., H-6754 Újszentiván, Boján u. 8. For faster processing, please send the documents electronically to our e-mail address: info (at) thebigebook (dot) hu

(The contract is subject to registration.)

Your profile will be changed to Author after processing the received documents, of which you will be notified. If you log in with your Author profile, you will have opportunities to upload the sources of works/books/publications and include the additional works into the contract and hereby extend your contract's validity.

Our current portfolio of technical support for authors:

  • 3D Ebook adaptation of written and other works, organization into a database (recommendation, thematic layout, cover design, web design, verbal skills, etc.)
  • online purchase availability
  • downloadable, online and disc form (the latter with a matching design) for both demo (fragmentary) and full versions
  • "all works of the author" - downloadable, online and on disc, in both demo and full versions
  • thematic connections for similar works (We also recommend ...)
  • author's page with biography, full imprint and clickable list to pieces of work
  • URL address service for the author's page in the form of www.thebigebook.eu/author`s-surname
  • URL address service for the given work of the author in the form of www.thebigebook.eu/title
  • recommendation of author's programs and events (eg. record of dedications, e-book presentations) on the main page, author's page, newsletters and news archive (Authors category), audio or audiovisual archiving
  • public interest, free publications in online version (user registration not required)
  • AI support in online versions
  • tender cooperation as requested
  • handling possible infringements
  • monthly settlement


The authors of the ebooks/publications included in the Program so far:

Aviva Gabriella Steiner
Csaba Tápai
Erzsébet Szalai
Imre Szalontai